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Life changes mean changing your bed

Ameliaranne Ekenasio  is our current Silver Ferns netball captain and training full time – sleep is a luxury she can’t afford to give up. See how upgrading their bed changed improved her performance on and off the court.

There comes a time in a busy growing household when the realisation hits that your bed from a single life now doesn’t fit your current lifestyle. 

Like trying to put bulky kids car seats into a two-door sports car, there’s a sense that it’s time to let go and find something that now serves a purpose. 


Ameliaranne Ekenasio  is our current Silver Ferns netball captain and training full time – sleep is a luxury she can’t afford to give up. The 29-year-old came to New Zealand in 2014 from Bundaberg in Queensland. She has a New Zealand dad and got a contract to play netball for Wellington’s Central Pulse. 

Ameliaranne set up in the Capital, bought a queen size bed and it was here her sports career began to take off when she debuted for the Silver Ferns in 2014. She met her now husband Damien Ekenasio and they married in 2016. Damien is a former basketball representative.


“The bed we’ve got at the moment was really good for us when it was just the two of us. We thought it was fine but now, yeah we don’t really fit into it that well, “ says Ameliaranne. 

Did you know that queen sized beds are the most commonly purchased mattress in New Zealand? That’s just 153cm wide by 203cm long for you and your significant other.

Sure, it might work for some but try fitting a couple who are well over 6ft into a queen size bed. Plus, Damien and Ameliaranne now have a son, three-year-old Ocean.

Ameliaranne, Damien & three-year-old Ocean

“And when he jumps into bed  too – it’s like sleeping straight sideways so we can all fit in,” says Ameliaranne.

Plus for the couple, as for many Kiwi families, their bed is often the hub of home for everyone – that includes their canine friends & two older children from Damien’s previous marriage.

“The bed is definitely the place where we all go to either wind down or get ready for the day and have some yarns in the morning,”he says. “Looking for a bed, we require something that’s going to be long enough and spacious – we like our space.” 


So that’s where Sleepyhead has come to the rescue to ensure the entire Ekenasio family has plenty of space to enjoy their sleep with the New Zealand Chiropractors’ endorsed  Chiropractic range. From Ocean getting his first big boy bed in a trundler set through to Ameliaranne & Damien climbing into a super king Chiropractic HDX. 

Plus, their Chiropractic HDX comes with Kulkote. This US-designed technology will help with a hot/cold problem that Damien & Ameliaranne have when they sleep – temperature regulation.



“I’m hot, she’s cold every single hour of the day. And her cold feet creep over my side of the bed,” says Damien.

Ameliaranne admits: “I am like ice most of the time and it’s hard because he’s so hot so we have these massive duvets on the bed and they are all on my side and he’s lying there sweating.”

Does this happen in your house?



Women as a general rule sleep colder than men. This can be put down to their metabolic rate. Women have a lower metabolic rate so they produce less heat than men and this can make them feel colder in bed. Men typically have more muscle mass and generate more heat, so that might explain why there may be a lot of disparity – not to mention duvet hogging – between men and women in bed. 

KülKōte uses tiny microcapsules which, once you’re lying on the mattress, heat up and liquefy inside the layer and start the process of absorbing heat.  However, KülKōte cleverly doesn’t take away all your heat. It senses what’s needed and can push back warmth when needed.  


So with space sorted on a super king mattress & with the heating regulation technology of KülKōte – the Ekenasio’s can enjoy better family time and hopefully a great night’s sleep for everybody in the household.

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